TEMPORA/CONTEMPORA is an international focus on body language in contemporary performing arts promoted by the Accademia Mediterranea dell’Attore and co-designed with the Polo Biblio-Museale di Lecce. The programme includes performances, shows, installations, guided tours, talks between theatre, dance, poetry, cinema, visual art, in venues that are increasingly open to the international contemporary art scene and to the encounter with the languages and practices of creativity and contemporary arts, the Castromediano Museum in Lecce and the former Palmieri Boarding School. The theme of the body, bodies and identities at the centre of the reflections and performative practices, the expression and symbol of a necessary resistance to the times we are going through and the social and cultural changes taking place. The international and interdisciplinary dimension is the added value of the project, with artists and performers from all over the world.
The focus of TEMPORA/CONTEMPORA offers a multifaceted programme that includes performances, shows, urban incursions, installations and talks, spanning theatre, dance, poetry and visual arts.
At the heart of the event is the theme of the body, identities and their expressions in the performing arts. These themes become symbols of a necessary resistance that responds to current times and ongoing social and cultural changes.
The programme of TEMPORA/CONTEMPORA presents: “Qualcosa di Grande – La compilation dei millennials“, a theatre and music performance directed by Maria Cassi and Leonardo Brizzi, which addresses the nostalgia and challenges of the millennial generation; Dance Company Achievement of Victory (A.o. V), founded by Yum Seunghoon, with “Ⅲ“, an exploration of the harmony of yin and yang; “Perché guardare negli occhi dei pazzi?” directed by Renato Chiocca, a performance of theatre and poetry dedicated to Vittorio Pagano; “Saraband” by Erika Zueneli and Laura Simi, celebrates the memory of bodies and the history of their dances. Lastly, Kenji Shinohe presents “K-(A)-O”, a choreographic exploration of the use of emoji in digital communication, and Salgemma curates “Come un pugno di mosche bianche può farsi sciame?“, a reflection on artistic contemporaneity in Puglia/outside the region and a day of study in collaboration with Marco Petroni.
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